CDS Chapters
Welcome new Chapter Chairs and returning Chapter Chairs. Thank you for stepping up to volunteer to be the Chair of your Chapter. Please be sure to notify the CDS Central Office with your new list of Chapter Officers.
If you have any questions about running your Chapter activities feel free to call the Central Office (Paula 831-659-5696) or you can contact any one of the CDS Board of Directors.
I hope every Chapter sends a representative to the CDS Annual Meeting. CDS sends an invitation to each Chapter Chair and will reimburse the Chair or Representative for travel. CDS plans great educational sessions and networking sessions for all the Chapters, to help you plan events and activities for the following year. The Annual Meeting will also feature the Volunteer Chapter Chair Award and the three Chapter Awards: Best Newsletter, Best website and Best Educational Event with a cash prize of $500. Be sure to send in your nominations.
Included here is a long list of required paperwork for all of your activities and events. Between the IRS and the State of California, CDS is required to have lots of signatures!
1. Chapter Code of Conduct . This form must be signed by all of your Chapter Board Members. They do not have to re-sign each year, but you need to have your new Board Members sign as they come on the Chapter Board. Send in to the Central Office each year.
2. CDS Volunteer Waiver . This form must be signed by all volunteers at each of your events. Send in to the Central Office after each event.
3.Independent Contractor Agreement. These are new forms. Please take time to read them over carefully. If you pay anyone for services at any of your events, they must sign the IC Contract and you must fill out a Pay Sheet for them regardless of the amount you pay them. Send in to the Central Office after each event.
4. Tax Form Instructions and forms that need to be filled out for each person paid at an event.
Additional Requirements for chapters to give Grants & Scholarships
Please see the California Dressage Society Scholarship rules for guidance in developing your chapter program.
1. All grants and/or scholarships must be available to all chapter members
2. An application process must be available to all chapter members
3. Applications should have the criteria clearly stated for the scholarship/grant
4. A committee reviews the applications and recommends the recipient to the board
5. In the case of small executive boards, the board may do the review and selection
6. All applicants to be notified of acceptance or rejection
7. The treasurer makes the payment
8. A designated person sends the following to Central Office at the time it is awarded. CDS then forwards to the treasurer for reporting to the IRS
a. Statement of Policy and Procedures
b. Selected application for the scholarship
c. Payment voucher
d. W-9 Form filled out and signed
5. Insurance Request Form . You need to fill out and email to the Central Office to request an insurance certificate for all mounted events. If you are holding a clinic, the clinician’s insurance must accompany the request. You do not have to fill out an insurance request for meetings or unmounted events. Email 30 days before the event, or earlier if possible. To use the CDS Insurance, the event must be a Chapter event and all funds must go through the Chapter treasury. $65 insurance fee per day is due with the form to CDS.
6. Show Recognition Form. If you are planning on holding any CDS only or USEF/USDF/CDS shows, you need to apply to CDS for recognition. Recognition fee is $55 per day. Send at least 6 weeks before the show date. No dates will be reserved until application and fees are submitted.
7. Year End Financial Report. This is the Year End Chapter Statement of Activities (Financial) Report that must be submitted by Jan 31 each year. CDS must compile these from each Chapter for IRS Reporting. Send to Diana Muravez, 2552 Los Cerritos Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028-2605 Phone/Fax: (760) 728-6325 Email:
8. Year End Activities Report. This is a written report on the highlights of your Chapter. You need to bring this report with you to the Annual Meeting to share with other Chapters. You also need to send it to the Central Office for inclusion in Dressage Letters. Central Office has your copy from last year if you need to refer to it.
Alphabetical Listing of Chapters
Carmel Valley
Jennifer Nuckton
Gavilan Chapter
Jackie Bretschneider
Sara Mosqueda
Los Angeles
Glenda McElroy
Las Vegas
Jean Wolff
Anita Shore
Kathleen Goldstein
Out of State
Central Office
Janet Shanks
Mylene Chow Jugan
Julie Unvert
Julie Ramstead
Santa Barbara County
Mary Couch
Santa Cruz
Anne Howard
San Diego
Elizabeth Johnson
Allie Figura
San Juan Capistrano
Kristin Young
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
San Luis Obispo
Stacie Rice
Katey Katz
Sierra Nevada
Beth Coffey-Curle
Katie Kunde
Tracy Ladd
Kristin Mills
Jessica Hoffman
Faith Grimm
Ventura County
Jennifer Nunes
Valley Oaks
Cathy Divodi
Julie Wood