All active members in good standing of the California Dressage Society are eligible to earn CDS Awards. Rider AND Owner must be members in order for scores to count. The CDS Central Office automatically records scores earned by members during the current show season at CDS recognized shows. It is recommended that each competitor keep his or her own yearly show record to verify against CDS records at the end of the show year.
California Dressage Society Awards include a Year End Award with Plates, which are are awarded on a yearly basis, September 30 to October 1.
YEAR END PLATES Call to order 831-659-5696
Rider and Owner must be CDS members for scores to count toward any CDS program.
Scores acquired before payment of dues for the year will not be counted.
HENRY BURCHARD MEMORIAL TROPHY - awarded to the owner/rider on a single horse receiving the highest number of scores of 60% or better during the competition year. (Rider must apply by October 1)
Host a CDS event at your facility
CDS puts on many events; from the Amateur and Junior Clinics to the Annual Meeting Symposiums, throughout the state. CDS is always looking for facilities willing to donate their arena and stabling in order for CDS to put on events. Facilities would get great exposure and recognition in return for donating their facilities. Contact for more information.