RAAC - Regional Adult Amateur Competition
MISSION: The mission of these competitions is to provide an opportunity for all CDS Adult Amateur riders to qualify and compete against others of similar skills and experience. The regional nature of these shows will help to provide our membership with a developmental path for gaining competitive experience, promote excellence and increase awareness of and support for the Chapters.
#1 – For the Chapters: These regional or “mid” level adult amateur competitions are designed to promote and enhance awareness and participation by the CDS Chapters, provide State level support in funding and advertisement, and a chance to generate funds at the chapter level.
#2 – For the Riders: These competitions will provide a positive “introductory” show experience for some, which will hopefully be a stepping stone to bigger things, while offering the other more experienced amateur riders a warm-up for the Championship Show.
#3 – For the Whole Organization: These competitions are designed to bridge the gap between the local chapter shows with individual year end awards programs and the tremendously difficult, top caliber competition at the Annual CDS Championship Show.
Three Regional CDS Chapter Adult Amateur Competitions will be held each year, one in each of the regions as defined in the CDS bylaws; north, central and south.
Participants at the RAAC shows must be current members of CDS, must have a USEF Amateur Card under Dressage Rules, and must be 22 year of age or older.
The horse owner must be a current member of CDS.
Qualification is for an amateur rider/horse team.
To be eligible to compete, the $25 registration fee for each horse and rider team per level MUST BE PAID to the CDS Central Office by close of business no later than 12 days prior to the first day of competition at the regional show entered.
Scores earned before paying the fee will count provided the payment is received at the Central Office prior to close of business as specified above.
Qualifying Closes: 12 days prior to the first competition day of the regional show entered.
Scores earned at the CDS Championship Show will NOT count towards qualification.
Horse/rider teams who qualify MAY compete in ONLY ONE regional competition.
Qualification scores must be earned at CDS recognized shows and are as follows, scores can be earned at any test of the level:
3 scores from 2 judges at Introductory C of 65% or higher, USDF Intro C only, Novice only
3 scores from 2 judges at Training Level of 60% or higher, any test
3 scores from 2 judges at 1st level of 60% or higher, any test
3 scores from 2 judges at 2nd level of 60% or higher, any test
3 scores from 2 judges at 3rd level of 60% or higher, any test
3 scores from 2 judges at 4th level of 60% or higher, any test
3 scores from 2 judges at PSG -Grand Prix of 60% or higher
Elite horse and rider teams that have won either Champion or Reserve Champion at the CDS Annual Championship Show at Training, and 1st Levels are not eligible to compete in the RAAC shows at that level.
Elite Adult Amateurs for riders who have ridden at the FEI Level at a rated show.
Novice Adult Amateurs for riders who have never ridden at the FEI Level at a rated show.
ROSES Award neck ribbons will be awarded in three divisions for the High Percentage Elite and Novice Rider 50 years of age and older who officially sign-up for the division prior to their RAAC ride. Divisions: Basic through First; Second through Fourth; and FEI.